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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Roadmap For the Line Servant Leader

Evening Everyone..

Everyone needs people like them. They rub off on everyone.  When YOU are filling out your roster and He/She's name is on it you know it is a guarantee.  Your shift will flow perfectly and everyone of your bullet points that you have as goals will be achieved.  You know this person, it may be your Heather or Josh or Jose and Amber.  They have incredible instincts with people and situations.  The entire staff knows who to ask when things need to get done.  They are the building blocks to your unit. The work you put into them was difficult but well worth your time and energy.  So why do we lose them? Is it Money? Or is it something a bit more? Below are suggestions that hopefully will inspire you to create a atmosphere of retenion. KEEP YOUR PEOPLE!

PERFORMANCE REVIEWS...  A very powerful communicative tool that is very under utilized in our Industry.  People always dred them because they are uninspiring to Managers and Line Staff alike.  Remember this:  Your top people need them!  They need to understand where they stand.  They want to know they are doing satisfactory and what they need to improve.  You can attach a wage increase to it if that is what you custimarily do.  Where they stand is more powerful than money.  In my companies the Performance review is key to introducing the ROAD...

A CLEAR ROADMAP... Your top staff who mean the most to you leave in many instances because they have nothing else to do or worse yet anyplace to go.  They have had there share of adulations and back slaps and at the end of the day they go home.  It is human nature for people to expand and grow.  Titles are sign posts to just that.  Top Staff want to know...Is there anything else? They want to be a part of something bigger.. Where do I GROW from Here? 

SUPPLY THE MAP... Your top people Crave more responsibility and posess a very important element in your organization, CREDIBILITY.  Staff members look up to them and respect their work ethic.  I have seen the energy in units go sky high when you are able to harness this energy.  Their  road map could be the Store Captain (Training).  The store captain can be involved in all aspects in Human Relations.. Captains can give interviews, schedule orientations and have training classes.  It has a major impact in your key staff members Physche. You recognize their commitment to you and the location.  You give them a new task and guidance to continue to thrive.  The boredom that they have felt is in the past..

WE NEED MANAGERS.. If you ask any top rated HR person in any major company they will always tell you, we are currently building our bench.  Captains who continue to thrive could be entertaining a move into your MIT program. Most companies love the idea of being proactive in their hiring.  It is fairly easy to move Solid Captains into MIT areas.  Captains understand the Culture and the right ways to do things.  Finally, this is the part of the map that continues individual growth and achievement. 

Hopefully this quick post will help you retain your top folks!  It is very simple to execute and should be a part of your single Restaurant or multiple locations.  Give your top people a place to go.. Watch as your retention numbers go way up....

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